Thursday, December 2, 2010

MUSE Concert!!!

Can anyone tell me why I am counting down the days to a concert that I am not attending? Muse haven't been in Aus for ages, they're here, they're having a freaking concert, and I am NOT attending. I am not going, because logically all people that attend concerts...DIE!!!

I am trying to console myself with the thought that I'll go to one when I turn 21. However, by then any number of things can have occurred:
-They could break up, unlikely but possible :O
-They may age dramatically, and require walking sticks = inability to hold intruments = no more concerts
-I could get tired of their music, again very unlikely
-Matt may retire from music and become an author, writing books about his many conspiracy theories

Anyways, I hope all those that are going have heaps of fun! I am going to enjoy it vicariously through those that are attending : D.

Until then I am using laughter as a sort of therapy. *hahahahahahahahahahaha* I feel so much better should try it. *Hahahahaha* Bye, bye now!

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